respects your privacy. We have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our commitment to you, our visitor. This privacy statement discloses the privacy practices for this site,

Personal data we collect

Our site uses forms in which you give us contact and personal information (such as your name, phone number, email address & travel preferences) so you can enquire about and book travel services, or request information and support. We use your customer information only when it will be important for us to contact you regarding your enquiries and bookings. In addition to information provided through forms on this website, our staff may also solicit further information to create your or your clients’ travel products and to facilitate travel to and from our destinations. The range of information we may request is listed here, though it may include additional information depending on the nature of the travel services requested

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Age and/or age range
  • Country of Origin
  • Nationality
  • Country of Residence
  • Travel date
  • Duration of travel
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Passport numbers
  • Scans, photocopies or photographs of various passport pages
  • Payment details including business or personal banking information
  • Travel preferences and interests
  • Dietary restrictions or allergies
  • Details of friends, group or family members if they are accompanying the main traveller, including names, ages, passport numbers, scanned images of passports and various preferences such as their dietary restrictions or allergies.

Uses of the personal data we request

The information we request is used to communicate with our clients and partners, and to plan and operate travel services on behalf of our clients, including but not limited to the following uses:

  • Sending newsletters with personalized information
  • Planning accurate travel and event itineraries
  • Operating international travel services for our clients
  • Facilitating payment for travel services rendered
  • Maintaining ongoing business communications with partners and clients


Our site uses cookies to gather information on online traffic. We use this information from our site statistics (for example your IP address) to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our site. We also gather broad demographic information from this data to help us improve our site and make your browsing experience more enjoyable. This is not linked to any personally identifiable information.


This site operates fully under Secure Socket Later (SSL) and has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. This site also contains links to other sites. SEA Tours is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites. For more information on this subject, please see our terms and conditions.

Only If we have to

We never give out your information with the only exceptions where we are required by law, in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law, or we must comply with a legal process served on our website.


By consenting to this privacy notice you are giving us permission to process your personal data specifically for the purposes identified. Consent is required for to process personal data, but it must be explicitly given. Where we are asking you for sensitive personal data we will always tell you why and how the information will be used. You may withdraw consent at any time by contacting us and requesting that we remove your consent. After checking on any inadvertent impact of consent withdrawal on existing or future travel planning services, we will act on your request immediately.


A better and a more convenient way to experience the beautiful islands in the Gulf of Thailand where you can enjoy it at the privacy of your own private speedboat – and at your own pace!


53/14 Moo1 Ban Tai,
Koh Pha-ngan District, Surat Thani 84280, Thailand

